Wild turkey lumpia

Calories100 - 300
ActivityM 21' F 29'
Wine pairingSan Severo DOC Rosato


G 300 turkey
G 150 pork fat
G 75 carrot
G 75 onion
G 30 green onion
G 15 ginger
mL 5 soy sauce
G 7 salt
G 12 black pepper
N 8 sheets for roulade
Sambal sweet and sour sauce to taste

Kcal 233*

*For every medium-low speed running activity (8Km/h), the AVERAGE calorie consumption is of approximately 8Kcal x Kg x height, considering an average female weight of 60 Kg and an average male weight of 80 Kg.


  • Combine the turkey meat, the pork fat, the carrot, the onion, the green onion, the ginger, the soy sauce, the salt, and pepper, mix well and grind finely using a meat grinder.
  • Refrigerate for about 30′ to firm up the mixture. Place 1 and a half tablespoons of the mixture on the sheet per roulade and roll up. Fry at 175-190° C (350-375° F) for 3′ until golden brown and internal temperature is at least 63° C (145° F).
  • Let drain on a wire rack or plate with paper towels. Serve with a sweet and sour sauce.


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