Risotto with strawberries and partridges

Calories500 - 600
ActivityRunning F 70’, M 50’
Wine pairingMG 09 Marco Gozzi


G 300 Carnaroli rice
G 300 knife-pounded partridge meat
G 50 butter
G 80 grated Parmesan cheese
G 160 fresh strawberries
N 1 Lime
Vegetable broth to taste
Ginger to taste
Pepper and salt to taste

Kcal 560*

*Pour chaque activité de course à pied à vitesse moyenne-basse (8Km/h), la consommation moyenne de calories est d’environ 8Kcal* x Kg* x taille, en considérant un poids moyen de 60Kg chez la femme et de 80Kg chez l’homme.


  • Toast the rice in butter, continue cooking addinggradually hot
  • Cook the meat over high heat in a non-stick frying pan.
  • 5′ before cooking time, add the meat to the rice and stir well with Parmesan, some ginger and grated lime zest.
  • Garnish with strawberry slices and fresh ground black pepper. Served it hot.
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