Grilled venison loin with tomato soup

GameRoe deer
Calories300 - 400
ActivityRunning M '30, F '40
Wine pairingMorellino di Scansano DOCG


G 500 loin of venison
G 300 peeled tomatoes
G 200 stale homemade bread
G 100 ribbed tomatoes
N 1 clove of garlic
Basil to taste
Mixed vegetables for vegetable stock to taste
Extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper to taste

Kcal 314*

*For every medium-low speed running activity (8Km/h), the AVERAGE calorie consumption is of approximately 8Kcal x Kg x height, considering an average female weight of 60 Kg and an average male weight of 80 Kg.


  • Season the loin with oil, salt and pepper and leave to flavor for 10’. Sear the meat on the grill, not too aggressive, being careful not to burn it (about 50° C – 122° F). Remove it and let it rest on a grill to allow the meat to drain.
  • To prepare the tomato soup, make a vegetable stock that will be used to wet the bread, boiling the vegetables in water for 30’.
  • Brown the garlic in a large pan with a drizzle of oil and basil, dip the peeled tomatoes and cook for 10’, add the homemade bread cut into coarse pieces.
  • Sprinkle continuously with the stock, until the bread dissolves in the tomato and is well blended. Season with salt and oil.
  • Compose the plate with the help of a steel ring. Arrange the tomato puree on a serving dish, then the loin of venison cut into slices, finally the ribbed tomato cut into thin slices, garnish with an emulsion of oil, salt, and pepper.
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